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As the third of Trinity's three core values, embracing diversity goes well beyond merely tolerating or even celebrating. Embracing describes a way of living that welcomes and is deeply interested in the kaleidoscope of differences within the human family. We relish in our differences, because it is in those that we discover both the grandness of our Creator God and the enjoyment of the uniqueness of our various cultures, backgrounds, and outlooks.

We believe that by embracing diversity, we expand understanding, curiosity, justice and empathy in our community and in the world. The foundation for embracing diversity is rooted in our Episcopal identity and in our strategic focus on creating a diverse community of belonging where each person is treated with dignity and as a child of God. 

As we work to embrace diversity, we believe:

  • Identity is the dignity provided to all and is about treating everyone as a child of God
  • Diversity is about the variety of people and perspectives from different backgrounds
  • Belonging is about creating a welcoming community where all people feel they belong
  • Equity is about fairness and supporting each person in the manner that he or she needs

Our goal is to develop students with cultural dexterity who will be civically engaged leaders who are curious about people from different backgrounds, who have an ethic of service, and who will make a difference in their community, city, nation and world.


Wildcat Summer C