Bishop Michael Curry Returns to Trinity

Trinity was honored to welcome the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry back to campus to lead the school community in a celebration of Advent.
“It really is a blessing to be here,” said Curry, who recently retired following a nine-year term as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.
Curry has been associated with Trinity since its founding in 2000, when Curry served as bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina. Over the years, he has been present for key moments in the school's history, including the blessing of the school's First Ward property and its main building, and Head of School installations.
Bishop Curry's visit coincided with the beginning of Advent - the season of anticipation and waiting for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. In his sermon, he said Advent was also reminder of God's presence.

“Wherever you love, God is looking out for you,” he said.
His message of love resonated around the world in 2018 when he delivered a sermon at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Following the Chapel service, Bishop Curry met with a group that included Trinity founders and local Episcopal clergy. He thanked current leadership for continuing the legacy and mission on which Trinity was founded.
Head of School Imana Sherrill arranged a FaceTime call between Bishop Curry and founding Head of School Louis “Smokey” Oats. During the call, Bishop Curry asked how Trinity chose Wildcats as its mascot. Students were given the task of finding an animal that could be found in the region and wasn't already used by another area school, Oats said.
In her introduction of Bishop Curry at Chapel, Mrs. Sherrill read a quote of the bishop's that “is exactly what we need right now”:
“We are all God's children. We're a part of a Jesus movement to change the world with the power of love. That love will turn the world upside down. If it's not about love, it's not about God.”